Looking at the past and the future

On 21 January 2006, I posted my resolution for the year; let's take a look at how much has been achieved:

1) Work towards passing CFA Level II by June 2006 (Check - passed my CFA Level II)

2) Master the skill of translating English to Chinese (Check - translated my own article in July 2006)

3) Travel to China and Australia (save to travel) (Check - travelled to HK for exam, travelled to Australia for work trip - going to go Shanghai in Feb 2007) okay lar not really for holiday in 2006 but sort of can do.

4) Continue to find time to learn Salsa
Nopes no time

5) Learn to drive by December 2006
Well...I passed my advanced theory exams before the year ended and then I would be taking my driving exams by May 2007 - is that passable? Okay lar hor...

6) Learn to dive by January 2007
Nopes no time

7) Find another thing that I am interested in and do that thing
Gym - started to go and really work out three times a week - something that I finally managed to just do

8) Have baby by end 2007???
Plan would have to be shelved....to 2008?

Well, I was reading my blog in January, yes the same feeling comes again during the beginning of the year. Depressed and feelings of not doing enough. Well, then another source of stress is being promoted and having new colleagues in the company - really taking time to adjust to the environment. But I am glad to have the support of my dear friends and my hubby. Well, the amazing thing is that I did not consciously want to actually meet all my 2006 resolutions but some how or another I met 5 out of 8 of them. And I bought my new small car - My Blue Kia Picanto in 2006 - buying a car is another wish I had for years.

Well, here goes, my goals and resolution for 2007:

1) Pass CFA Level III by June 2007, get CFA designation
2) Pass driving test by 14 September 2007 (my birthday)
3) Read at least one book per month - any book I like
4) Meet up with my parents and brother once every two months (something I hadn't done for years)
5) Keep in contact with external friends and meet up also once every month or every two months (from Poly & my best friends from Secondary school)
6) Keep up going to the gym thrice every week (either doing Yoga, Pilates, Jogging or lifting weights)
7) Go to Buddha place at least one Saturday every month and 修法 at least once every two days
8) Start up again something new at the end of the year

If you realise my goals are now slightly different it is more related to my overall well-being and having a more balanced lifestyle. I guess my ultimate goals in life remains the same to target at being happy, being fit and collecting knowledge. 'Keeping in contact' sounds easy but can be quite difficult when we are so engrossed in our own lives. There are always so many things to do on a day to day basis that we often forget what is truly important in our lives.

Firstly, we are too engrossed in relationships in the work place, we forget that actually no doubt that is important, friends outside of work also provides good support. This new year and christmas while I was out with my friends that I re-connected recently I find that 'Hey what have I been missing out man?' Amidst busy working and studying, I forgot about them, I forgot that they are also my support groups.

Secondly, family. I realised that by not keeping in contact with my brother and my hubby's family. There is a big gap in between. Like for my brother, I did not know how to talk to him when we went out - something that hardly happened before I got married. Even for my hubby's family, while other families go for regular dinners etc - it became slightly awkward in the beginning when I asked them out for dinner. Wow, look at how much I have neglected over the years. So, I guess the best way is to really try to remain in contact and meet up regularly.

It is not that I need company or I need to rely on them for things, but it is feeling that the only support group I have is with my network in the office- that's all. Then the fear comes when you overly rely on a network of friends and discard others.

Well, when I am writing a review on what happened in 2007 again in January 2008, I really hope that I am able to meet 6 out of 8 objectives - a number higher than that of 2006.

Happy New Year!

P.S. BTW I am at the office working my head off today - a public holiday - that's quite a bore but I feel much better already. I aim to go back by 7pm.


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