Quarter year mark - met a few of my resolutions!

Dear friends-who-read-my-blog,

Friends who read my blog must either be very close to me or quite concerned about me. So, they would have already known that I have passed my driving test on 28 March 2008, with zero points deducted in circuit and 14 points in all.

Another happy thing is that I have met this particular resolution that I have set out in 2008.

I will review my resolutions again now and see how many I have met.

1) Pass CFA Level III by June 2008, get CFA designation - MUST DO!

2) Pass driving test by 15 February 2007 (booked test date and felt myself improving lately) DONE!!!

3) Keep up going to the gym twice every week (either doing Yoga, Pilates, Jogging or lifting weights)
On top of my busy schedule, going to the gym???? I must plan this out?!?
Once during the weekend and once during the weekday?
Karkees - Edwin during the weekend, Weekday karkees still not back in office yet (maybe I get one of my colleagues to go with me when she comes back after her maternity leave)
My weekday karkee is back in the office, I will ask to go with me once a week at least.

4) Learn to be less stressed during work.
- Feel that I need to sleep earlier and exercise more and eat healthily
- Maybe a well balanced life will really work!
Still quite stressed but I found another way to reduce stress - Don't work late! Coming earlier to work and going back early really works to reduce stress, which is what I am going to do more frequently.

5) Save $1000 each month
How do I go about doing this? Well I need to invest and profit a bit and save a bit and spend less!
DONE!!!! Everytime I get my pay, I will invest in something and it exceeds $1000 a month.

6) Go to Buddha place at least one Saturday every month and 修法 at least once every two days
YES for going to Buddha place but no to 修法 - some how feel that I need to feel more settled down before it really works on me.
HALF DONE!!!! Buddha place at least one Saturday per month is fine.
But 修法 seems to be something that I cannot find time to do as much.

Okok...that is 2.5 goals met out of 6 in just 3 months. I have 3.5 goals more to meet before the end of the year. I am really very driven this time round - particularly determined to meet the goal of passing CFA level three, because immediately after that I can get my CFA licence.

Support me dear friends....



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