What if my aspiration is to travel all around the world?

I sat at the dinner table and was chatting with my husband. What if my aspiration is not to do research but to just travel around the world? Earn money, do something that I don't mind and save the money I have earned and use it to travel and keep traveling to places that I haven't been before. Is that an aspiration? He said that's a great aspiration and at the same time you are actually doing what you love.

I have been bitten by the travel bug. I can't stop thinking about the next place I should go to - what are the sights I should be seeing in the country I wish to embark on. But it's interesting to all these research on travelling just to keep my mind off work for a short while - and to keep my sanity in check.

Here are some of my favourite pics from the Italy and France trip I just came back from.

The next stop? I was thinking Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), Italy (Florence and Venice) and United Kingdom (London). 6 days 5 nights in Spain, 4 days 3 nights in Italy and 4 days 3 nights in London. Maybe in London we can stay at a relative's place? Hmmm...


Anonymous said…
i hope you can continue blogging. read all of your posts since the beginning.
Mah Ching Cheng said…
Hi Anonymous, thanks for your comments. I only blog when something significant happens in my life or I am really in a bad mood. But I think I should blog more often. I love to write, it helps me to put things into perspective.
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you're writing again.

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