Learning to live ... without much stress

I have had quite a stressful life. It was eversince I was young. I tried to struggle out of poverty. I did not want to live the life that my parents lived. Thus, I worked hard day and night. When I studied in school, I studied hard. When I worked I worked hard. Then recently, I turned back and thought to myself.

For what?

Not that I have never thought about that before. Just that I think of that more often especially in the past two years. Then I looked at the people around me. What were their goals? Why are we here? The strange thing is that people from the outside may appear confident, happy and comfortable. From the inside, insecure, unhappy and uncertain.

I suddenly understood a couple of things:

1) Working hard is no use if I don't improve myself
2) Improving myself means improving my health, my behaviour, my knowledge
3) Understanding others and reflecting on oneself consistently
4) People tend to be happier when they are less critical of others
5) Love your loved ones - something people often don't do

Well, another important thing would be to really forgive and forget. That's tough actually. But I am learning that it is important not to take things so personally. Life goes on no matter what, why not live a life that you have more friends than enemies. Neither should us try to make others like her till becomes insincere. Just be natural and 随缘.


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