Ever Thought About Your Aim In Life

Ever thought about your aim in life?

Let's breakaway from cliche dreams such as:

1) I want to earn a million bucks before the age of XX
2) I want to buy a house by the seaside
3) I want to retire and learn dancing/ go travelling etc. etc.

Actually, all these may be able to satisfy your wants during retirement but how do you have a lifetime goal? A goal that you can keep to and learn from as the days go by. When I was at the gym, after a workout, I suddenly thought of my lifetime goals. These goals, I hope, will lead the way that I live my life till my life ends. When I die, I would ask myself, have I met these goals?

First Goal: To Be Happy (Not At The Expense of Others)

There are people who think that they are happy. They criticise, they ridicule and they laugh at others. But there are another group of people and inherently positive. They like to be around people but are not too dependent on any single person. They are comfortable just being alone or even being in a group. They contribute not by criticizing but by providing insightful comments and ideas. I would want to be the latter. But ofcourse, I need to learn to be more optimistic. My weakness - a weakness since young - was that I feared too much. I feared the views of others. I feared being left out. And this fear made me a pessimist and an inherently unhappy person. I was sensitive and grumpy. This is not someone that I would want to be.

To be inherently happy means that I need to be comfortable with myself. Not simply be fearful of what may come ahead. If I can do this the moment when I pass, when I see my loved ones beside me but cannot do anything. I think I would have achieved this goal. It is tough but as long as I keep thinking back. 'Will being grumpy make me inherently happy?' 'Will having the feeling of being left out make me satisfied with my life?'... The level of toughness is there and I would need some time but I need this goal, I really do. I do not want to be unhappy for the rest of my life.

Second Goal: To be fit

I am big. And I do not intend to be small. I think the basis of being fit is to be comfortable with your own body. While I do intend to slim down, it is never because someone told me I am fat or I cannot fit into my clothes, it is because I am more comfortable being slimmer. And this is also linked to the first goal as well. To be fit and happy. To be fit means a lot of things.

I need to exercise regularly, have sufficient sleep and eat well. When I am fit, I would be able to meet the demands of life. I will be able to meet pressures ahead of me better and be happier. And I do believe that being fit would inherently mean that I am a happier person.

Third Goal: To Acquire Knowledge (& Improve myself consistently)

Wow! While this is easy to some, it is tough to me. Because to be honest, I love to write but I hate to read. I love to speak but hate to listen. But the only way that I can learn and gain knowledge is by listening and reading. By putting 'me' away and concentrating on 'you'.

Listening - to my surprise, in my recent trip to Sydney, Australia, I found that by listening to the experience of others - I learn the most. By speaking, I learn the least. The best part is - people love to speak. They love to talk about their knowledge of things. And I should learn by listening. Afterall, when we were young, we learnt by listening. It is only when we age and become more jaded that we become more of 'talkers' than 'listeners'.

Reading - I have been trying to challenge myself to read. Reading widely. I read novels, newspapers, online blogs, online news, self-help books and investment books. I have tried but not so successful so far because I am bogged down with work and my personal life. Do you believe that I am so busy that I forget to do all these things? No, you shouldnt believe me. I can definitely find time, but I am simply procrastinating. Well, at least I am not living in denial. I identify this as a problem and is willing to change. I will read one book each month at least.

Ofcourse having knowledge - new knowledge- would add value to my life and make me more confident and feel more useful. And that adds to being happy.

Today is 6th November 2006, I will update again one month later. Let's see if I am on my way to meet these goals.

The main thing is:

I will do anything that meets these goals. Anythings else negative (being grumpy, being possessive, being a control freak, being too sensitive), will have to go.

Let's see...


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