Half Time Mark - Any goals reached yet?

Markets are down in August - quite accurately 'estimated' by the research on the past 18 years of calendar month returns done by my able analyst. But then amidst the strong market upturn, I found that eh, I may not be meeting some of my resolutions for 2007 leh...how?

Actually, my other analyst was talking about learning new language, hobby etc., then I was thinking, hey how about Salsa man? Forgot about continuing the lessons etc. So ah, I must really re-look at what I have done and not done and try to meet those objectives.

Well, here goes, my goals and resolution for 2007:

1) Pass CFA Level III by June 2007, get CFA designation

This one I will know if I meet it on 15 August 2007, please do not message me or msn me asking about it because only if I pass then I will announce.

2) Pass driving test by 14 September 2007 (my birthday)

Tough cos I actually stopped learning for 3 months now, but will resume lessons soon in mid August, hopefully can pass by end of this year.

3) Read at least one book per month - any book I like

Yes, I am proud to say that I have been doing that, at least one book per month, any book I like but more recently, Freakonmics, Lead to Succeed, Common Stocks, Uncommon Profits.

4) Meet up with my parents and brother once every two months (something I hadn't done for years)

Yes, I meet up with my brother once a month and have dinner with my parents and my hubby's parents once every two months or more. Family support is important thus I am quite happy talking to them getting their perspective of things.

5) Keep in contact with external friends and meet up also once every month or every two months (from Poly & my best friends from Secondary school)

Wah, this one is tough because I have been travelling to Hong Kong. And can you believe that every single time I go to HK, my poly or uni friends would sms me to go out but I can't. So I will try to jio them out for lunch or dinner man....I cannot live like a hermit.

6) Keep up going to the gym thrice every week (either doing Yoga, Pilates, Jogging or lifting weights)

This one I am starting from tomorrow onwards. I NEED GYM KARKEES....and not MALE ONES..I am trying to get consistent karkees so that we motivate each other to go

7) Go to Buddha place at least one Saturday every month and 修法 at least once every two days

YES, I have been doing that regularly recently.

8) Start up again something new at the end of the year

Inspired by my linguistic analyst (dun wanna say names), I am learning SPANISH - the third most widely used language in the world...$340 for beginner lessons. I will learn first and then see if I wanna continue, cos I dun wanna force myself to learn if i am not interested....but I am quite interested to travel to Latam...Argentina, Chile etc. so quite motivated to learn for the time being...and when I Salsa I hope to understand a bit of the song

Out of 8 goals, I met 3. Not enough. I must try to meet all 8...haha...wish me luck dears...

Signing off...CC


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