Human Beings Are Natural Problem Solvers

This is long overdue but I was attending this talk by Bill Miller on 4th October. For those who are less familiar with him, he is the fund manager of the Legg Mason Value Fund USD. Which is the fund that beat the S&P 500 index for many many consecutive years. Aside from him talking about investments I was impressed with his philosophy on human beings. Particularly something he talked about related to the behaviour of human beings:

'Human beings are natural problem solvers. If they face a problem, they will naturally find way to solve them and move on.'

I was thinking this through and found that he is right! People who think that they are too fat, go exercise. People who think that they are not smart enough, try to gain more knowledge. Of course this is on the preface that human beings are willing to learn and improve. If they are not solving problems, there would be no solutions.

Then it comes by with practice and confidence. If you are in an uncomfortable position, you either just sit there and complain about it or do something about it!

And when a person faces a problem, I noticed that the support system surrounding the person is extremely important.

Firstly, the first round of support must be from family members, with strong family values, you will find that a person is more comfortable and confident with himself or herself. This does not mean that you just mix with your family/parents/children all the time. But spend quality time. When you are with them, listen to what have been happening around their lives, understand them better.

Secondly, the second round of support will be from close friends. There might be only one or two or even a big group. Quantity doesnt matter but quality does. But don't selfishly always demand people to listen to you and only you. Listen and understand others as well. Don't be competitive and consistently compare yourself with others. In time, I found that to be quite irritating because no two persons are the same. For example, I may be better paid but I am not slimmer than you. Winning and losing are merely just things that are conceptually misplaced. To be competitive is good but compete against yourself and seek to break the hurdle you have set for yourself rather than simply compete ... and if you want that person to be your is important to not compare....comparing and competing is an unfriendly thing to do.

Well, these support groups are important when you meet up with a problem. But one more important thing is self confidence and assurance.

No one can be like you. No one has your set of unique experiences, thoughts and ideas. Not even if you have a twin! Thus, it is no use blindly following whatever people think about you or what people influence you to act or do. More importantly, look at what you really want. Are you uncomfortable in certain situations? If you are, get out of it, if you do not need to rely on the situation to survive. If you wish to encounter a discomfort or a fear, then keep facing it and facing it till you are not uncomfortable. Most importantly, every single person on earth has his or her strengths, if you are not sure what strengths you have - ask your support groups.

Thus, the nature of human beings is beautiful. Generally, they are kind. If they seek to go against you or bully you, they are temporary misled. Seek to understand why they do certain things rather than blame them straight away.

Anyways, these are just my thoughts for the day.


Status in diversifying my life - 70% done...:D


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