Tracking New Year Resolutions

Hi friends,

I know that its already past the half-year mark but I am quite happy that I am trying to meet the other 3.5 of my new year resolutions - almost done here.

Half-year mark - met again a few of my resolutions!

1) Pass CFA Level III by June 2008, get CFA designation - NOT SURE, RESULTS WOULD BE OUT SOON. Don't ask me about it.

2) Pass driving test by 15 February 2007 (booked test date and felt myself improving lately) DONE!!!

3) Keep up going to the gym twice every week (either doing Yoga, Pilates, Jogging or lifting weights) - ALMOST DONE, I AM ON MY WAY TUES, THU, SAT, MUST DO IT FOR 6 MONTHS BEFORE I CAN COMPLETE THIS

4) Learn to be less stressed during work. - ACTUALLY I FEEL LESS STRESSED ABOUT WORK NOW THAN BEFORE. Of course good help in the office is one thing but learning good work-life balance is another.

5) Save $1000 each month - DONE!

6) Go to Buddha place at least one Saturday every month and 修法 at least once every two days - SIGH This is something which I haven't actually suceeded in doing. Must think through about this.

3.5 out of 6 goals are met. Will work on meeting all 6 of them by the end of the year. But for CFA - it's something that is already beyond my control.


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