Job losses reach a 43 year record of 533,000 in the States

I seldom bring work home but this thing about job losses, retrenchments etc. seems to be quite a common topic these days. Just checking out, which are the industries that are still adding jobs even during a recession - perhaps these are the industries that I should be in when I am retiring or nearing retirement :-)

Here is a breakdown of where the job losses were as well as which sectors were adding jobs. Worst hit was retail, manufacturing, construction and professional services. Again, health services and government added the most jobs.

Total change in non-farm payroll = - 533,000
Private Sector = - 540,000
Natural Resources & Mining = + 4,000
Construction = - 82,000
Manufacturing = - 85,000
Durable goods = - 62,000
Non-durable goods = - 23,000
Services = - 370,000
Wholesale Trade = - 25,200
Retail Trade = - 91,300
Transportation = - 31,500
Utilities = + 800
Information & Media = -19,000
Financial Svcs & Real Estate = - 32,000
Professional & Business Svcs = - 136,000
Education = + 9,800
Health Svcs = + 42,500
Leisure = - 76,000
Government = +7,000

Source: CNBC

See here, the government sector, education and health services sector added on jobs while the others are showing a net loss of jobs. Aha! That could mean any future opportunities in the education line should be still abundant or at least available even during a recession.

Education seems to the only one that I can be involved in given that I am not too fond of working in the government sector and health services is not my cup of tea (and I am not educated in this field in anyways). Perhaps one good choice is to be a lecturer or tutor when I am much older.

Anyways this is just a random thought.


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