Coming up Toto

Hi friends,

Nope, the Toto I am mentioning is not lottery. It the Shih Tzu that I bough on 25 Jan, which is Chinese New Year's eve. Part and parcel of my plan to diversify and rebalance my life priorities to also including taking care of something. For some of you who don't really know what a Shih Tzu looks like, here goes:

Toto looks a bit like this. But I am not able to take a photo of her yet because the keepers at the pet farm did not let me even touch her. But she is a gold and white shih tzu, very cute and she was so excited when she saw me that she was wagging her tail. Unlike the others, which I thought were not even excited when they saw me.

I am getting her on the 12 February 2009, taking leave on that day as well to study and make sure she is well taken care of.

Why did we choose Toto as her name? It's all Edwin's idea. He wanted to name one of our child Toto so in full it's Teo Toto - the hokkien slang for winning lottery (it's an awful name for a baby anyways). Then I was thinking if we aren't going to do that, might as well name our first dog Toto - it's a cute name and its easy to remember for everyone and it's more suitable for a girl.

But these days, I am quite worried, would I have enough time to take care of her amidst my studying, gym session, most of my time is at work. But I am going to give this commitment a chance because I really want a dog for a companion to tide through rough times. I will be coming up with some photos of her very soon.

Look out.



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