Inspiration from vocal classes...

It is amazing how even simple vocal lessons can give me interesting life lessons. It's now the end of the second month of my course and I am getting more interested in music. I always thought that singing Karaoke is really just singing for fun and just make sure you can sing like how the singer sings and you remember the lyrics. Most of the time, I just don't really care about crucial techniques. For instance, breathing, pitch, placement of voice, tune and beat. All these matters - very much.

The interesting part about my singing I notice is "I try too hard". I emphasize on words that I shouldn't be exerting that much strength on. Then I turn soft at the end on the parts that I should be focusing on. I think that is really the key problem I face. While singing comes naturally to many people, there is always room to improve. In the end, I run out of breath and energy very quickly.

Another interesting piece of knowledge is some people always get sore throat after a late night karaoke session. On top of the unhealthy titbits, beer drinking and sleeping late itself. One of the key reasons people get sick is because they focus on using their throat instead of diaphragm when exerting their voice when hitting the high notes. They always use their throat for difficult parts of the song. Actually, for these difficult parts it is really about "placement" for instance how you place your voice. For head tones (the high notes) , you should place your voice at your forehead area to project the high notes. For strong medium tone notes, you should place your voice at the cheeks and the voice should come from the chest and not from the throat.

For better breathing, use your diaphragm (the lower part of your tummy, between your pelvis and the belly button), it makes a huge difference. If you do not use your diaphragm, you will just be using chest breathing and run out of breath very quickly.

As I am moving on to the second part of my first stage, I think I am really learning more about the beats, music and tunes. It is not easy for me because it really requires me to listen to the songs very carefully and also perhaps spend more time on understanding which words to focus on and let go. Tough for me because for people who understand me, I tend to just make sure that I am heard all the time so I focus on all the parts of the song.

Perhaps this is also something representative of my life, I try to excel in everything I want to do but in the end I may have focused on parts that are not at all important. When I am in my thirties, I understood that my family is important, after I fell down early part of 2013, then I understood health is important...when I am in my twenties, I just focused on work and making money. I think I am starting to relate to what I have learnt in singing classes to life. I should learn to focus on some parts that I need to focus on and let go on some parts that I need to relax and rest.

Shucks! I am just looking forward to my break in Seoul.

Songs that I have been and will be practising in vocal class:



"Life is only meaningful if you constantly learn and seek meaning from what you have absorbed and understood. Life is much less meaningful if you waste these time that you can learn on worrying and despondency." - MCC



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