Mahjong @ Geylang

On Friday, we had a relatively long session of Mahjong and it ended up being a Geylang night tour. It was quite interesting actually because I live near Paya Lebar and the infamous red light district is quite near to my place. In fact, my name is named as Geylang Lor XX but it is already several kilometers away from the actual red light district. But Geylang is so colourful, our etinery (as my french/korean/mauritius/Hong Kong colleague put it) was quite a long list, after finishing most of what was in the list, it was already dawn. But I really had fun and laughed my head off - okay not literally. If you have friends staying near here, you might want to read this etinery and see if you are interested.

7.30pm - Worked until very late so went to eat the famous frog porridge and Fried Oyster at Geylang Lor 9. Had 6 of us squeeze into one of my friend's car.

9.00pm - Finally reached my place, played Mahjong. Some of them watched DVDs and chated with cute Ang Moh guys online.

12.00pm - All of us at this point of time were playing Mahjong together, partnering each other - quite fun - I only remembered laughing and laughing hysterically when I won - finally after 3 hours of intensive, mind racking Mahjong.

2.00am - We took about 4 hours to finish one round and then we went to this place at Geylang Lorong 17 for supper Dian Xin, the food is quite good actually. I did not even know the place but my friend told me about it.

3.00am to about 4.00am - This was the exciting part. We drove around looking for 'interesting stuff' to see, which includes illegal prostitutes walking around that area. Lorong 12,14,15,18 are the 'hot zones', different lorongs housed different types of chicks - Thai, China, Indian, Transvestites . We saw chicks of different sizes and age and types. Quite interesting really - but we uninamously felt sorry for these women and wondered what could have made them sell their flesh. Frustration about their life? Life threatening situations? Money hungry husbands?

We even went down to walk at Lorong 14 and Lor 16 but I felt like going to the toilet during that time. After a while, we decided to dare the guys to go and ask one of them for their 'price' for one time. It was really more expensive than what I have imagined. It's $100 for a 'time'. Our friends really went to approach them and ask. That woman I think was from China and just sat there and smiled at my friend. Ofcourse we were just joking about it - I really think it is scary to really strike a deal with these chicks.

5.00am - We went back and play Mahjong again - all of us were half asleep - I should have just suggested everyone sleep first till day break anyways my place there is enough space. One in living room and the other in study room.

7.30am - Can't take it - it is good bye for now till the next time...

Forgot to buy durians and eat. Next time bah.


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