1 month to go - An update!

Equity Markets are down, down , down. And my moods tend to be a bit swayed by that. That is probably why my mood swings tend to get worse when markets are down. Hehe but that aside, I am still keeping close track of whether I am meeting my goals for 2008.

Let's see.

1) Pass CFA Level III by June 2008, get CFA designation - WILL DO SO by June 2009

2) Pass driving test by 15 February 2007 (booked test date and felt myself improving lately) DONE!!!

3) Keep up going to the gym twice every week (either doing Yoga, Pilates, Jogging or lifting weights) - DONE!!! 2009 I am going to have a target for losing weight.

4) Learn to be less stressed during work. - DONE!!! Work-life balance helps.

5) Save $1000 each month - DONE!

6) Go to Buddha place at least one Saturday every month and 修法 at least once every two days - NOT DONE :( ... spiritually demanding for me. But I will go to the Fo Tang twice each month. So this is half done.

4.5 out of 6 goals are met. Will work on meeting all 6 of them by the end of the year. But for CFA - it's more or less confirmed that I cannot meet this goal. But I am figuring out ways to meet it next year - I shall not be daunted.


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