Continuous Pursuit For Happiness & Perfection?

Been thinking a lot lately.

Is it me or I feel that I might have taken two steps backwards on a journey that is supposed to bring me forward.

Of course, depressing equity markets did not help to lift my spirits. But have I really missed out something in life that is so precious that eventhough I have the knowledge, experience and time, I did not manage to improve or do it well.

There is a part that is missing in my life. A sense of fufilment. A sense of meeting what I am supposed to do in my lifetime.

Been watching too much Heroes lately maybe. But at the end of each episode, the narrator always talks about the purpose in life, lives of the heroes of course. The purpose that they are here to meet, to change the future, to change.

Was wondering if there is really a deeper, more profound purpose for each and everyone of us here.

How should I guage my true success?

I am still seeking and thinking about this answer.


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