My top five favourite inspirational movies

There are times that we might feel down and lost amidst this concrete jungle. What better way to relieve stress than to watch inspirational movies? So I have listed down my own list of favourites. You won't find the typical award winning movies like "Beautiful Life" or "Slumdog Millionaire" in my list though - I am just listing down those that I feel inspired by, based on how I feel during that point of time when I watched the movie - and what I eventually got out of it.

Inspirational Movie #1: The Bucket List
Sure, it's old fashioned. About two old guys going to die of cancer very soon - with only months to live. But what inspired me the most was - these guys helped each other achieve what they otherwise thought impossible. Another key point that I was inspired by in the movie was that - why wait till you are old, frail, and sick before you meet your wishes in the bucket list - why not start planning now? What's the use of working so hard when you only can fulfil your wishes when you are in your 60s or 70s? I was particularly touched by one of Morgan Freeman's wishes in his Bucket List - To laugh till I cry - and that was exactly what happened when Jack Nicholson was told that his favourite cup of coffee was actually the poo that comes out from Civet cats, Morgan Freeman laughed till he cried. I am happy to say that it is not difficult for me to do that because I am always laughing and smiling. I am easily amused. But to laugh till you cry is a joy. To be easily amused and happy is a blessing. Think about it, what's the point of having all the riches in the world, when you are always sad and depressed, insecure and unhappy.

Inspirational Movie #2: Hachiko
I love my Toto. I know what the old folks say. You can't get too close to a dog because when the dog leaves (because a Shih Tzu's lifespan is only 14 years maximum), you will feel devastated. But, it is really hard to not love my dear darling. Unlike other dogs, she is really special to me. She is obedient, she knows how I feel, and is truly my best friend (in all times). At times, I will hug her and cry and she will lick my hands. The attachment is too close, I know. But, I can't help it. In the movie Hachiko, I cried like five times. Especially, when the dog came to wait for it's owner whether if it is rain or shine. Hachiko is truly a loyal dog and he loves his owner. I have watched a lot of dog movies and dogs are like that - they are just simply very loyal. This movie inspired me because I feel that no matter how or what happens, I know that my dog loves me. She is loyal to me. The kind of friendship that you can get from a dog is really special and irreplaceable. I am sure dog owners will understand this. Other tear-wrenching dog movies include: "Ten promises I made to my dog" and "Marley & Me". This is adapted from a true story.

Inspirational Movie #3: Intouchables
This movie was released very recently. The story is about a very rich French guy who is tetraplegia (which means paralysis of all four limbs or the entire body below the neck). It is an amazing movie. The French guy hired an African male to be "his limbs" - basically to nurse him. But the African male totally has no experience (very little emphathy) and is rather rude (scolding vulgar language and all). But the French guy loves him - "That's what I need" (he told someone) "Someone that's not sorry for me, that shows me no emphathy". I am inspired. Does the sick really want someone that shows pity? Or just someone that treats them like a normal human being that's just sick. Aside from all the humour embedded in the movie about the bloopers that inexperienced African male nurse made, the underlying message was to really treat people who are disabled like they are normal human beings who are sick. I still recall the scene that the French guy (unable to move his limbs at all) went paragliding with the nurse. The nurse kept screaming for help but the French guy really enjoyed the paragliding (which was the very activity that caused him to be disabled). This really shows that the guy has "nothing to lose" and hence "nothing to fear". I give it a 9.8 out 10. Oh yah, it's a true story by the way.

Inspirational movie #4: My Sister's Keeper
I was very impressed by Cameron Diaz's acting, but I was even more impressed but the little girl that acted as the younger sister. To cut the long story short - first born girl is very sick with lukemia, Mom worries that this girl will die very young, Mom decides to clone her DNA and give birth to a second girl with similar genes so that the second child will be able to donate her organs to the first girl as and when she needs it, second child felt used....first child feels bad. What happens next? Watch to find out. At the end of the movie, there was a twist that really startled me. I shan't reveal the twist here because it will be a spoiler for any friends who wish to watch the movie. But, with that twist, I realized that nobody wants to depend on anybody for life, no matter how sick they are. This movie also taught me that the people who suffer the most are actually the caretakers who have to "in a way" sacrifice their time and life to take care of their loved ones - and most of the time - these caretakers are more than willing to do so. This is also adapted from a true story.

Inspirational movie #5: The Billionaire (Thai)
Okay, I promised that I won't put in Slumdog Millionaire but this is actually something similar to that. But, I like this story more because it is a real story and I actually like to eat the product that this young lad sells. It is inspirational because the boy really took a lot of risk doing nothing but doing business. It is a amazing to see such drive in entrepreunership from a teenager. If you like Mark Zuckerberg's story, you probably will like this movie as well. The only difference - the real CEO of Tao Kai Noi is actually more good looking than the actor in the movie. And prepare the Tao Kai Noi seaweed snack when you watch this - because you will get hungry.

That's it, enjoy these movies and enjoy life as it is...because it is always important to stay healthy, happy and inspired.



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