You don't need a pill like in the movie Limitless to be powerful...

Have you watched Limitless?

The fictional movie acted by Bradley Cooper that was about the main character eating this magical pill that made him use 100% of his brain productively. After he ate the pill, the first thing he did was to clear up the mess in his own home, then he started to exercise, then he started to read and learn how to be a market whiz. He got his money through reading, understanding about technical indicators, then he went about investing, getting investors to invest in his ideas. He became rich.

But he knew that people who ate the pill, didn't last. They were overwhelmed by greed and had to take more and more of the pill. They became addicted to it and the pill damaged them - it damaged their body and they eventually got sick and died. So what Bradley Cooper's character did differently was - after he got rich, instead of just being addicted to the pill, he used the money he earned to find the antidote to the after effects of the pill. In fact, in the movie, he found a way to create just one pill he needed to eat to keep himself in this perfect state of mind.

I was doing some simple housework today at home. It was so clear what I needed to do in 30 minutes and I quickly washed the dishes, hanged and folder my clothes, threw Toto's newspaper toilet and arranged the luggage that I wanted to give to my brother. It was so crystal clear what I had to do, no distractions. That was what I really enjoyed. To concentrate and really set your mind to doing tasks that you need to do.

And started to think through all the hobbies I have picked up since my injury. Cake decorating, cupcake making, painting, putting together jigsaw puzzles, and more recently singing. And all these hobbies are on top of my heavy working schedule, meeting up family/friends, doing most of the housework, and taking care of my little dear Toto. I suddenly realised that I have wasted too much time in the past this brooding through things that I couldn't control, worrying about matters that are less important than living life meaningfully. Without worrying, thinking too much, one's potential is really limitless.

My ex-colleagues from different firms recently posted photos of their 100km walk in Australia and their hikes up the mountains in Africa. This shows that when one set their minds to doing something most think are impossible - they can actually achieve their goal. It is just a matter of focusing your mind and not be distracted by emotions and people.

And the great part is with the clutter gone in my home after I reorganized every part of the home bit by bit, it gets easier to maintain the house clean and tidy. Some friends who visited me during the National Day break even asked me where my maid was, and I told them I did not have a maid, just a lady that does five hours of basic cleaning.

Another thing dawned upon me. You know the multiple packages that you usually sign on like manicure/pedicure, spa/massages and gyms. I have been clearing those religiously as well. I have been digging through all of them and clearing/using them up. I am very clear now what I should do and how I should go about doing them.

So that concludes my sudden random sharing about how to live a more meaningful life. Set the worries/problems aside, concentrate on things that you can do to improve your life. Eat that imaginary pill that clarifies your mind, because only with a clear mind then you can focus on what is really important in your life.

As for me, with the house in order, and enough hobbies to keep me happy. I need to concentrate on one burning problem - my weight.

More to follow later...


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