How Many Resolutions Did I meet in 2007?

It's time to look back in 2007 before I forget and look at how many goals I have actually met in during the year and make new resolutions for 2008 ofcourse!

Well, here goes, my goals and resolution for 2007:

1) Pass CFA Level III by June 2007, get CFA designation
Better luck in 2008, I will start studying mid-January and take up a course nearer to the exams.

2) Pass driving test by 14 September 2007 (my birthday)
Driving test is on 15 February - wish me luck?

3) Read at least one book per month - any book
YES! Yes, turning on the burner with lavender and some music and reading is a real good experience!

4) Meet up with my parents and brother once every two months (something I hadn't done for years)
YES! I have made an effort and I did it!

5) Keep in contact with external friends and meet up also once every month or every two months (from Poly & my best friends from Secondary school)
YES! Been trying to keep in touch and I think once every month we do meet each other.

6) Keep up going to the gym thrice every week (either doing Yoga, Pilates, Jogging or lifting weights)
:( Nope, still unable to do this one, but will try again this time round!

7) Go to Buddha place at least one Saturday every month and 修法 at least once every two days
YES for going to Buddha place but no to 修法 - some how feel that I need to feel more settled down before it really works on me

8) Start up again something new at the end of the year
Hehe, this is a tricky one...but I noticed that I have been playing mahjong and poker recently - is that something new?

Well, I think I better find a hobby that's less costly, let me think through again.

Anways, I think there are some more goals I need to meet for 2008, and here they are:

1) Pass CFA Level III by June 2008, get CFA designation - MUST DO!
This would be my first priority from February to May!

2) Pass driving test by 15 February 2007 (booked test date and felt myself improving lately)
Crossing my fingers for this one!

3) Keep up going to the gym twice every week (either doing Yoga, Pilates, Jogging or lifting weights)
On top of my busy schedule, going to the gym???? I must plan this out?!?
Once during the weekend and once during the weekday?
Karkees - Edwin during the weekend, Weekday karkees still not back in office yet (maybe I get one of my colleagues to go with me when she comes back after her maternity leave)

4) Learn to be less stressed during work.
- Feel that I need to sleep earlier and exercise more and eat healthily
- Maybe a well balanced life will really work!

5) Save $1000 each month
How do I go about doing this? Well I need to invest and profit a bit and save a bit and spend less!

I have met 3.5 goals out of the 8 that I have set out :( not really a good score.

So this year, I am trying to reach the fourth goal my making my life a bit easier. I will continue to live a more diversified lifestyle by meeting up with family, friends and reading etc. but then I will also need to try to achieve the goals I have set out earlier on.

Wish me luck!

And another thing I hope this year would be a smooth year for me and Edwin as we are moving out of our first love nest *tears* and into our new love nest *smiles* near the sea, I really like the place. You can see a beautiful full city view from there and from the balcony, you can see a bit of the sea, it looks great!

I think most importantly, it is at a place that I frequent since young - Marine Parade. My father brought me there when I was young to work as a sales girl and then when I moved to Geylang, I go there like once every week or every fortnight. I love the environment. There's everything - Hawker Centre, Shopping Mall, Gym (2 gyms), Library (stone's throw away), Fast food & Restaurants, Borders - it is like the dream place for me - a shopaholic hehe...anyways I really hope to be happy staying there, I really love Edwin.

Cheers & Happy New Year!


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