Another valuable lesson on dieting...

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You have to start with a wholesome and healthy breakfast so that it kickstarts the diet routine for the rest of the day. It is important because people often just skip their breakfast because they are too busy or go for a high carbohydrates and oily breakfast because they are too hungry after a break of at least 13-14 hours from eating. These are bad habits.

I slowly understood why for many years now, although I eat a heavy breakfast, I am still so very hungry during lunch time. I am eating an unhealthy breakfast. For many years, aside from those years that I really just go crazy and drink soya bean for breakfast, I have been having either one of the following items for breakfast:

- Fan Choy (yes, the bowl of orange coloured rice with char siew and half an egg)
- Tau Sar Pau
- Macdonald's Big Breakfast & sometimes the Pancake set
- Fried Carrot Cake (I love it!)
- Nasi Lemak (from QiJi)
- Mee Siam
- Dim Sum (two plates) and a bowl of century egg porridge
- Two slices of bread and butter, and two half-boiled egg
- Bee Hoon with fried sausage or luncheon meat (yum)....

The list goes on and I can go hungry just listing them down one by one. The crucial thing however is that I had the misconception all along that I was eating breakfast the right way. By just stuffing myself with a lot of food and keeping myself full so that I eat less during lunch. Oh, how wrong I was....the thing is, I still feel very hungry by lunch time.

Then came a major discovery....WHOLE MEAL BREAD! The fibre in the bran of the wholemeal bread keeps a person fuller, longer. Read this article: Why is whole meal bread healthier than white bread? And another discovery is that while wholemeal bread does not taste that good but toasted ones tastes terrific, if you add a little bit of butter and ham/cheese (all low fat of course).

Another thing about breakfast is that you have to be careful what you drink. Always...I repeat always drink tea or coffee without milk and with less sugar (you have to say to the food court auntie: "Teh-O Siew Tai hor", which means tea with less sugar). Of course, I will still give myself a break on the routine breakfast from time to time with soya bean curd (again less sugar or no sugar) or yoghurt (I don't really like yoghurt though).

With the right kind of breakfast to start the day, you will tend to feel less hungry during lunch, and then have a fruit at about 4-5pm before having dinner before 8pm (with half a plate of rice or less).

Thanks to all friends that have been so supportive of my diet plan so far, especially those clicking "like" on Facebook. I am really quite determined to win this competition (I think some of you know what I am talking about) but I know I am still a long long way to go....

@ 16 more kilos to a slimmer me...



Anonymous said…
Keep it up! Never give up :)
arthur severa said…
you can do it Ms. Mah
Mah Ching Cheng said…
Thanks, how are you Arthur?
arthur severa said…
Wonderful Ms. Mah! Thanks for asking. I'm one of your readers. Warm regards.
Mah Ching Cheng said…
Hey I really hope you are doing well. Please give me your comments if you have any.
Mah Ching Cheng said…
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