secrets of carrying a healthy baby

I am quite tired today but I have to tell this story.

Someone I know today told me an inspiring story, I think this is quite personal so I shan't say her name. She had an operation and actually have only one ovary to produce eggs, that actually highly decreases the chance of her having a baby. But she actually was so lucky that she had three healthy babies. She told that her children were gifts from god. I have seen her children, they are wonderful kids. But they are quite different from each other.

The eldest one is rather subdued and shy, a little cold at times. The third one was pulling a long face when I played with her. Now, the special one...the second kid. She was special. She was the cute one that loved to play with strangers and smiled at everyone she met and was rather friendly. Well, according to this friend of mine that has something to do with your mood during pregnancy. If during pregnancy you are always in a bad mood and always think bad thoughts or is always competing to be the first or the best mother. Your baby won't be as happy. How true this is, because I see it myself.

My mom is a highly stressed out person when she had me, she married my dad when she was 18 and had me soon after (well according to research, the fertility rate for women below 24 is rather high ahem...). So she wasnt really ready to be a mom. So when I was born I looked cute and was adored because I was the only grand daughter on both sides of the family. Yes, my mom and my dad side (btw my mom has 7 siblings, my dad has 9 - actually i dont even exactly remember the number). But I appeared sulky at times and was also always in a bad mood. Now, my brother was different, my mom was looking forward to having him 15 years later. She quite smoking and she was in a good brother turned out happier!

I think the morale of the story is no matter what happens during pregnancy, just stay happy and optimistic. Try not to be competitive or think negative thoughts (especially think negative thoughts about people around you - yes...including your mother-in-law). But for me I won't get pregnant that fast, I am too stressed now to get pregnant. I dun want my kid to have a sulky face.


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