how boredom kills?

Hi all,

For those who know me well, they might be expecting me to study at this time and hour, guess what. I am bored...studying is a boring task. Sure I would like to absorb knowledge like a sponge but alas I just feel that I will try my best without exerting too much stress on myself. I think that is the best...take the experience as learning practical stuff.

How can you die of boredom?
  1. Knock yourself on the wall because you are too bored (this is violent).
  2. Sleep because you are bored and never wake up ever again (this is sad).
  3. Watch TV till sadako comes and catch you (this is scary).
  4. Or....keep yourself busy blogging till you are tired and sleep (avoiding studying completely since it is a stressful thing)

Thanks Minli for the picture of the cat, I think I am relaxing too much...sigh...


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