Bus No. 70

I live near the East Central side so its generally quite convenient for me to reach my workplace. I will take bus no. 70 at about 8.30am and arrive either on the dot or slightly late. Basically, the special thing about this bus is whenever I get on it, I feel so cosmopolitan. There are Philipinos, Indonesians, China nationals and Ang Mohs at times. Well, these are so called the foreign talent that were imported. They look rich though but they are smart. They live near the city so they just need to pay the rental and go work quickly.

This is a stark difference from my previous home in the west, where the people that share buses or mrts are just normal heartlanders like myself. So what happened was, there was a pregnant lady that was boarding the bus. I had a seat. But I was waiting for someone else to give that lady that looks like 7-8 months pregnant a seat. Guess what. No one did. Well, I eventually had to give up my seat, but the other two persons beside me did not even look guilty.

I guess it is your personal preference whether to be helpful and kind or just inconsiderate. I think bus 70. is still going to play an important part in my life and the strange thing is at times I get on the bus with familliar strangers till I begin to wonder how they feel.

Usually, these 'foreign talents' would come to Singapore, make friends and stay together. I know bahasa so I actually understood what some of them were saying. Sometimes, I feel like I have known them for some time because we are in a way similar to schoolmates taking the same bus to school. But then I think I have a rough idea of how they feel. Although, they may have friends and love Singapore and love the work here, probably at times they miss home as well. Well....although it is a sacrifice, they are trying to vie for a better life like any of us. Hope that they do enjoy working here.

If you are a foreign talent staying in the east, you might be the person standing (most probably) beside me on bus 70. tomorrow. Good night!


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