Which Camp Are You In?

During this past couple of months, I have been talking to quite a number of people about life. Life's precious moments, its trials and tribulations and most important its ultimate goal. And everyone comes to one main conclusion - they want to be happy.

Why is it that a person has to rely on a group of people or another person or his or her successes to be happy? Why can't a person be internally happy?

A lot has to do with the balance a one has in his or her life.

What I mean by balance don't only mean your diet or exercise but also a balanced lifestyle.

I noticed that working adults are generally split into two camps and spot certain characteristics that are very typical within each camp.

Let's call camp one - the super (unhappy) achievers - these people are all around you. They have good school grades, a good job and a good family life (may even be very wealthy). But when you talk to them about appreciating life and family, they cannot answer you. They are emerged in work, work and more work. They have very little time spent with their loved ones. Spend little or no time thinking in a solitary mode and often feel insecure when they are alone.

Now, let's turn our attention to camp two - the balanced (& happy) achievers. What I mean by balanced doesnt mean that these people are not successful in their careers. They may be extremely good in what they do, are efficient, get good pay....but the more important thing is that they are happy. They have friends and family support outside work. They spend enough time on themselves - going to spa, exercising, manicure, shopping. In addition to that, they feel secure. Even when they are all alone they are not afraid and seek to find themselves and go into deep thoughts.

My theory is this ( you can agree or disagree), if you are in camp one, you are unhappy. So no matter what, you would want to try to go to camp two. Thus, you may work slightly more efficiently, plan out your time slightly more and go on to have a more balanced life. This theory ofcourse has an underlying important factor: people want to be happy. Unless if a person just wishes to be insecure and unhappy for the rest of his or her life, a person would seek to go to camp two.

The answer to the question written in my title?

I am in camp 1.5 :D I am trying to 'Diversify my life' away from working working and non stop working. But also take time to think about what is important to me in my lifetime? What do I want to achieve before I die? When on my death bed, who are the people that can really sob for me or appreciate what I have done for them?

When I die, I won't want to think about people who had been nasty to me. All I think I would remember are sweet memories, people that are truly good friends. Thus, it is no use to exhibit unhappiness or grudges against people that are bad to you. They will not be important in your lifetime. It's the people that you like and like you that would make an impact on your life- how you think, what do you etc.

So everyone has a choice - I choose to be happy, I want to be in camp number two - balanced (& happy) achiever


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