Dealing with difficult endings and exciting beginnings

Its not another post about me and me and me. It's one about you and you and you.

These are some of the things that some people said to me in my course of work that either encouraged me or inspired me. These are people who to a large or small extend has made some impact on my life.

No names will be given, but you know who you are.

And they are ranked according to how much they impacted me, some seems like it is given to a novice, well they are given to me in the very start of my work there:

1) Treat them as good colleagues, not best friends.

2) Be professional, because nobody can argue with you against that.

3) You must be more confident with yourself, because you got what it takes.

4) I don't know about you, but I am an eternal bull. I believe in abundance and equity markets will go up in the long term.

5) The only constant is change, so you have to learn to live with it.

6) What does not kill you, will make you stronger.

7) Choose your battles, don't struggle with everything. Choose what you can excel in and what you just have to make do.

8) You will be successful in whatever you do, you have the drive. But just take it easy some times, people may not understand you well enough.

9) Management is about seeing the talents in different people and fairly allocating work based on their talents. Once this fits, you have suceeded. Don't bother about what the rest says.

10) More people, more politics, learn to live with it.

11) In management, you have to delegate. After delegating, you have to trust.

Well, thanks to all these people that have given me these words of wisdom all these years.

These are criticsms, words of encouragements and phrases that I will never forget.



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