Some recent random thoguts

I have been again trying to think through stuffs and finding myself recently. I think some of you who are closer to me might already know the decision that I have made. Here's some random thoughts recently:

1) People who are most sincere to you will be with you in good times and bad and stand behind you. People who are not will only come to squeeze in with the crowd to show 'fake concern'.

2) People who criticize me in a respectable manner, love me. People who criticize me behind my back, hate me. It's fine either ways, I am glad I made some impact, enough for you to think and analyze me. =)

3) You have to be always doing something you love. If you are not doing what you love, stop doing it and do something else. Depression accumulates, not good for health.

4) It does not pay to be nice to someone and not wanting anything back from him. So just be fair and do not expect anything back. Some people are ingrateful - it's just a fact.

5) Be fair to yourself whenever you are dealing with anything or anyone. Do not subcumb to pressure just to make yourself be liked by the other person.

6) Use small clever tricks to get out of the attention, keep low profile if you are not the tactful, assertive type because you can get stabbed left, right and centre just by being you.

7) Respect others that are better than you! No matter how junior or senior they are. As for those that only 'think that they are better than you' listen and nodd but forget about them when you go home.

8) Act blur to all sacarsim. Trust me, this works better than being sensitive.

9) People leave you out. Just let it be. People who initiate to leave you out will have their desserts very soon.

10) Always be kind. Even if you are bullied always be kind to the person that bully you. Because people who are smart and are able to analyze would know that they are bullies. If they are not smart enough, I can't help them, no medicine can cure stupidness.

Haha....just some random thoughts


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