Being forced to improve my health and well-being.

Many of my friends often say I am a pretty lucky person. So far in life, I have been able to largely get what I want. But I will not think of it that way because I fear that if this 'luck' factor keeps coming to play, I will drain out my luck very soon. So I often think that one important value is not to be complacent.

I will try to exercise once a week for the Great Eastern 10 km run. This Friday I would be walking back from my office to my home, which stretches about 12km (just an estimation).

These days I am just being forced to be healthy. Why do I say that?

1) The other day I realized that at night I feel very uncomfortable and bloated if I eat unhealthy or fried food. So I decided to just eat soupy or non-oily food to prevent myself from feeling uncomfortable.

2) I realized that my work-load is reasonable so I have some time after work. So given that I don't usually have dinner at home anyways, I am sort of being asked out for dinner or asking people out for dinner more often - and thus my social life is enhanced in that manner.

3) I also realized a fundamental change in me. I have learnt to relax a lot more - go for weekly massages, express mani & pedi sessions and regular hair treatments. I have learnt to slow down a lot more.

4) I am also forced to exercise by bringing my dog out for walks at least one day in a week - she really loves to walk beside the beach - which would be a problem once we move to Hougang - probably we will walk at the park or I will bring her to Punggol Park.

Anyways, good or bad, I am not sure, but some how I am being forced to have a balanced life-style. Last time, I always has this excuse - no lar, where got time, need to work leh....but nowadays I meet up friends during lunch and after work, I have learnt to relax, I am going for compulsory and optional self-improvement courses. This is wierd but I am not happy leh - I want to be busier at work, I want to work over-time....I wonder why.

Very very random thoughts


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