Five reasons to turn off/not bring your iPhone out at times

In my previous post - My version of The Social Network - I mentioned that I am beginning to feel that the ready connectivity that we have experienced lately has made us less "connected" on a personal level. Remember the days when we did not own a smart phone, there was totally "no way" that we can access Facebook. Remember the days that downloading data via the telephone network was extremely expensive? I still remember those days because we had more human interaction then, in comparison to now.

When friends meet each other for dinner, we chat about recent happenings while waiting for food, waiting for each other to finish our food - people actually meet each other to get updates on each other. Nowadays, when we wait for food, we just simply swipe our Smartphones out and start surfing the web, checking emails, what's apping and Facebooking. That's very sad. And I am guilty of doing this as well.

During a business lunch, one of our partners said that she was going to go on a weekend retreat and "may turn off her handphone". A thought came to my mind - what is stopping us from being "less connected" or "unconnected" to the world during weekends.

Coincidentally, this morning, while I was rushing to go for Yoga, I left my handphone at home. At first, I kept searching for it in my gym bag. I was so worried I lost it. But after a while I thought "Heck, maybe it is better that I left it at home, I can finally rest.". So I went for Yoga, a shoulder massage, lunch and a treatment - OMG, I was so relaxed. Sure, when you are meeting someone or you are expecting an important phonecall from someone, it might be best that you don't experiment this. But, this Saturday, I was rather happy leaving my iPhone at home.

Connectivity is important. But it is because of this easy connectivity that people take each other for granted at times. Bosses take for granted that their staffs will want to reply them during weekends over unimportant matters that can be discussed on work days. Friends take for granted that you read their Facebook and What's Apps messages and reply to them impromptu. Any delay in replies may reflect badly on you - less prompt to answer questions from a colleague/boss etc. But hey - it's the weekend, don't we deserve a break at times?

So, I have decided, I will bring my iPhone out with me on Saturday - but I will turn it off when I am having my "alone time". So friends, if you are trying to contact me urgently on it after I am done with my personal stuff - after 5pm.

Five reasons to turn off/not bring your iPhone out during weekends:

1) There is no need to perpetually worry about messages and missed calls. Take a break from it all!

2) Even if the boss calls you and you don't pick the phone up during weekends, you have a valid excuse, you are taking a break! You are trying to exercise, rejuvenate so that you can work doubly hard for him/her when you are "really at work on Monday".

3) You won't get wierd stares from other yoga students at a yoga class when your phone rings loudly while the lesson is on.

4) I can finally stop Facebooking for a while. I am addicted to Facebooking and this helps to curb the urge of wanting to get updates from everyone I know.

5) Less radiation. Oh well, this reason is a "filler". I ran out of reasons.



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