I need to go on a spiritual journey...

More often than not I have very strong expectations of things to come. I mean there is a saying "the grass is greener on the other side" right? Whenever, you have a chosen a new path that deviates from the current, although you are apprehensive but you are also full of aspiration that you wish to do well. Even like buying a new house, a new car - these are so very expensive these days - you also feel like it is rewarding youself for a job well done in the past, and also showing confidence that you will do well in the future (to be able to afford all these).

Singapore's COE for cars above the capacity of 1,600cc reently went above S$90,000. Even for the car that I am driving now, the COE is roughly S$68,000, about S$15,000 more than the amount that I forked out for our car's COE. And for my Cerato Forte, which was bought in April 2009, I only spent S$7,000 on the COE.

Living expenses are getting more expensive. Everyone is getting ambitious, wanting to climb the career ladder, earn more money, get more clients. But pause and think. Do we want to put in so great an expectation that we get disappointed in the end? After all, when one dies, you can't bring the riches, fame and power into the grave, can you? What do we really gain during our lifetime? It is really growth in our character and the good that we have done to others that they will remember us by.

I had an enlightening sharing session with a close friend yesterday on how I have changed over the years. For those that knew me when I just started work, they probably think that I am an ambitious workaholic that doesn't really care about work-life balance and family. My good friend honestly told me that she witnessed a change in me. I am more focused on work-life balance, more grounded and family matters more to me. This is because I realised that I can't grow my wealth (which I am in the business of doing) without growing spiritually - it is just not worth it.

I shared an example with a colleague of mine (a team mate) - a person can grow richer, get promoted, manage projects/teams successfully but still feel unsatisfied and unhappy. Being unhappy, worried, discontented actually resulted in a poorer quality of life for the person. Why? The person while vying for the much cherished position, pay and achievements forgot to grow in a spiritual manner. To take care of oneself before taking care of one's acheivement. On the other hand, another person that retains the same pay, same rank, may feel happier by the day, just because he or she grows spiritually - allowing time to ponder on how to improve one's character and well-being.

I think it is time for me to experience an enhanced level of spiritual growth. How do I be internally confident and happy about myself? How do I grow myself without ignoring the real me within? These are questions to ponder about. Hence, I feel like going on a spiritual quest on my own to somewhere. I hope my husband agrees. I haven't decided where yet. But I need to go on this journey to think through about life.



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