Yes, I admit I have weight issues.

Yes, I have weight issues. And, yes, putting on 20 kgs in 8 years is no laughing matter. I have talked about this to so many friends that I am sick and tired of discussing about my weight, the right diet, the right exercises, which is the best slimming centre, and how much better looking I will be if I go on a diet and lose weight. So friends, please don't see this blog and start to message me about what I should do, I know what I should do. But somethings helpful will be to suggest food places that are healthier, remind me not to add sugar to my drinks, and encourage me when you do see some visible weight loss.

This time round, out of the five New Year resolutions that I have set since the year began, I managed to meet two of them, one is in progress, the other one is a gone case, and the last and toughest one is to lose 15 kgs within the year. I think that is the key thing is that I must really cut down on my food intake and also eat healthily but it is very difficult to do so because of the bad eating habits that I have accumulated throughout the years. Things like eating late, eating fried and sweet foods, eating supper with my husband, and also drinking drinks with high sugar content. So, it is kind of saddening to have accumulated 20 kgs in 8 years, that's like 2.5 kgs a year! And, as I age my metabolism slows, and it is even tougher for me to lose weight. I am quite upset by this actually.

But more recently, I decided to really make a change. I can't just do a desk-bound, high stress level job, and wait for things to change. I need to be doing something that is more active, more energy consuming, and more importantly client-facing. Because, I am an extreme extrovert, meaning that I really need to meet up with people and speak to people. I can't just sit down the whole day and quietly edit and review articles - it's just not the right job fit. Thus, I think this change in my role could help me to be more active, and more conscious of my weight.
Of course, there are a number of deeper reasons that I want to pursue this as a career which I shall not talk about, because it deviates from my main angle here of losing weight.
I, Mah Ching Cheng, pledge in my own blog that I will make the following changes to my eating habits and lifestyle. Here are the top five:
1) I will eat more fibre and vegetables; reduce my carbohydrates intake.
2) I will drink more plain water, bottled water, drinks with no sugar content. I really love bubble tea, and tea (I have to get one cup of those a day), so when I drink them, I will ask the shop owner to add less sugar and/or no sugar.
3) I will not drive on Saturdays. I will walk around and take the MRT/bus to go for my yoga lessons. And, when I am ready, I will cycle to my yoga lesson in the morning.
4) I will not eat fried food, dessert and reduce my carbohydrates, intake at night. Half a bowl of rice at most, no rice is the best.
5) When I reach 78-80 kgs, I will start to do light exercise including walks, swimming and slow jogging. When I reach 72-75 kgs, I will start to do cycling, runninng and fast walking.
Being a writer, I have this habit of clearing up my thoughts by writing them out. And some times, by surprise, I usually fulfil my resolutions after writing them out like this. So, I hope this works.
Someone suggested to have a microblog that shows how I lost weight day-by-day. I am thinking it is really very much of a trouble to start another blog. I tried doing up a blog about Toto (my dear dog), but I really don't have time to maintain it. We'll see how things go, if I really have a lot to blog about my weight loss, I don't mind starting a weight loss blog. After all, if I am successful, I hope to inspire others as well.


Sook Ting said…
Ching Cheng, I also have weight issue. Lately I've been doing a 30-min exercise called Figurerobics, invented by a Korean woman - Jung Da Yeon. She manages to lose 20+kg in 3 months. Try to gogle about her! :)

Or.. go to YouTube to search: Jung DaYeon Figurerobics. (I've downloaded few of them into my PC and try to do it at least twice a week.)

P/S: Don't under-estimate her simple movements.. I sweat a lot!!
Mah Ching Cheng said…
Thank you Sook Ting, I have been trying to eat less at night. Actually, I have been eating half a bowl of rice/noodles in the past one week. Today, I had 3/4 of a plate of rice and I feel so full. I think it is also a matter of getting used to a leaner and healthier diet.

Let's all work hard.

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