Handling stressful situations - 如何离苦得乐

The most stressful phases of life, not in any particular order include:

1) Moving house
2) Changing jobs
3) Departure of a loved one
4) Taking care of a sick loved one
5) Getting married
6) Giving birth

And many more...

And more often than not, we find ourselves being in at least one or two of these situations. And we tend to be overconfident at times, thinking that we will be able to handle all these situations at once, alone and without any help from others.

That's where we get too upset and stressed, despair kicks in. The feeling of despondency comes in making it even more difficult to solve these problems. Once, a friend who is facing the unfortunate situation of a loved one falling mysteriously very ill, told me that he is usually very logical and less emotional when it comes to work, but there is always this question on his mind "Why is she sick?"
that stops him from thinking logically, keeping his mind away from work.

That's when only our beliefs can help to tide us through these tough times. The constant belief that the dire situation that we are facing will pass, and we should face up to the challenge of handling these situations in a positive manner rather than brooding over it. During such times, we tend to be very sensitive to what people say to us, their facial expressions, their thoughts. When we allow externalities to affect us, we lose confidence and faith that we are doing makes the best sense.

I asked my buddhist teacher about this last night. How do we stop external factors from affecting us internally? How can we be sure that we are less emotionally affected or sensitive about what others opine of us?

She sent me an SMS that I thought will be good to share with my friends reading the blog.

"不要因为别人旳一句话, 表情或眼神就把你带上天堂或带入地狱, 要保持觉照,时时看好自己旳心, 无心但有觉照智慧的人最快乐最自在。 再来凡事胜解(往好的方面想)才能离苦得乐."

Yesterday, I posted a very random thought about ambition. I think as ambitious as what many friends think of me, I just have one plain ambition - while progressing in my career, as a wife, as a sister, as a daughter - I really really just want to be zen and calm when doing what I should do. I want to have less emotional whirlwinds and be a happier person.

I believe that actually along the years of practising buddhism, I have seen an improvement. I am becoming more aware when I am not in a good mood, I am very aware of factors that affect me, now it is time to put all these buddhist learnings into test in facing my forthcoming new challenges.



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