When the emotions come from the heart and not from the mind...

Why are there good days and bad days?

It is because when human beings are more emotional, they fail to think through things logically, they let their heart decide on their moods rather than logic. As such, when human beings solve problems, they should only seek out solutions when they are not emotional, and not when they are disheartened, upset, worried or sad. Wrong decisions tend to be made when human beings go through the process of being unhappy and just want to get out of situations quickly. In haste, comes carelessness, unhappiness and destruction of relationships.

Sometimes, we go through mood-cycles - as in we are in a stage of transiting from one environment to another or adapting to change, during those times we are most vulnerable to mood changes and illogical, emotional disturbances. As human beings are the ones buying and selling stocks in the market (algorithm trading is still not the norm), markets are as volatile as the human heart at times (and not the human mind).

What I have become more aware after understanding buddhism is that, we should always try to be in a state of mind that the mind controls the heart rather than the other way round. This is easier than done. But recently I have taken up meditation to enable me to feel more aware of the surrounding and what is affecting me. What floats in my mind? What are factors influencing my thoughts and feelings? I have become more aware of these after starting to meditate. I cannot control my feelings when I medidate but I can see the thoughts floating by. As such, I can then understand these are the thoughts that I have been troubling myself with.

Distractions are important. Diversification away from troubles surrounding you. Or else, you will not be able to get away from the daily worries that you have - some which are not necessary.



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