May The Buddha Be With You - why write this?

Actually it is quite percuilar but more our buddhist group, instead of saying amitabha we say this to each other whenever we are in the 'fo tang'. Suddenly, I realized it is similar to 'May the force be with you' from star trek. But of course, there is a serious and significant reason why our shi fu actually took this as the line we tell each other. It is because the doings and sayings of the buddha is important, for us we believe that if we can be as benevolent and as compassionate as the buddha, we can achieve eternal happiness.

Actually, I think the greatness of the Buddha's teaching really inspired me extremely. I am not going to preach or anything. But I feel that if I am with the Buddha, its not only just depending on him to protect me, it is really also me I want to improve myself so that I am able to behave like the buddha (althought it is really a long way to go) and being benevolent, compassion and to cut the roots of evil within me...all these I believe can really make me happier in this lifetime.

Eternal happiness how can it be achieved if we do not believe in that we can change our destinies by taking out our evil roots and thoughts and replace them with good roots? :-)

May the Buddha be with you


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