you are living the singaprean dream...not

Met an ang moh friend today, he is not really a good friend, a mere acquantance. But I think his got a thing for me...cos he suspiciously ran over to me about 10 meters away and said 'Hey Gorgeous'. Then he said 'I was wishing that you have divorced your hubby and went out with me'...ofcourse all these things he said he didnt mean it seriously.

But one of things that he mentioned was stuck on my mine.

'What kind of troubles can you have dear, you are living a Singapore dream'

This really set me thinking am I living a Singapore dream, if I am I think it is a nightmare.
I work more than 10 hours per day, I feel that I am underpaid and overwork. I need to do housework almost everyday and I can count with two fingers how much time per day I have left with myself. I am an optimistic person (except during my PMS - which is now). I tend to feel left out, bored, sad and depressed when I am PMSing..but it seems like a little too early to PMS now. Well, probably its the work stress from the zillions of data I have to sieve through and millions of emails I receive, thousands of clients I see and hundreds of articles i need to lar I am exagerating.

I saw this Hong Kong serial (I really influenced by them), they have this wall called a wishing wall which allows them to make wishes if they are in a bad mood:

My blog is my wishing wall...there you go

1) I wish the people xxxxxxxxxxxxx...
2) I wish my brother can stay at my house, he is really my sunshine, with him around I never feel sad.
3) I wish that my husband can recover soon, he kept complaining he is not feeling well - he is also probably stressed
4) I wish that I have a microwave oven so that I can try out all the recipes that require a microwave oven
5) I wish that I can pass my CFA Level 2

That's it....


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