our life together

Many of my friends are interested to know about my married life, how I am coping with it etc. etc.

So I have decided to open up a new blog just to bitch about it. I mean I won't be actually bitching about it all the time because it is such a nice template. But I will be talking about how we are living our married life.

It is interesting because me and edwin have been toghether for EIGHT LONG YEARS before getting married. But there are so many things that I found out about him only after the marriage. I mean our love is romantic and all, and both our parents oppose to us being together when we were young, I am 17 and he 19. Okay, our parents are very conservative. But we pulled through. I think our love also helped me understand more about people. About respecting elders, about respecting each other and about leading individual lives and staying together at the same time.

We broke up twice in our 8 year marathon relationship, okay, the break up was for 1 week and 2 weeks respectively. But we stayed together. We quarelled, we fought, shouted at each other. He threw his laptop on the floor, destroyed 3 remote controllers, one toilet bowl cover and two porcelain bowls. Me, I just simply winced when he did all this. But somehow, the miraculous thing is that I do not have any feelings with regards to the bad that he has done. I feel that after the quarrels we are still in love. I guess it is really fate that brought us together.

I remembered that many a time, he will really just be very nice to me. Giving me a full body oil massage when I was unwell. Making me drinks and food when I was ill. Washing the dishes for me while I was studying. Keeping me company when I was unhappy. I forgive him for being bad tempered. But I hope that his temper will improve. Especially after we have kids. I love kids. I am not too sure about him, but from the way he talks to my brother I think he does love kids too.

Okay forget about all the blah...find out more


1001 is our ROM anniversary, the day he signed the contract to be with me together.


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