Keeping Mum

It's amazing how this movie was put together. It is about how a housekeeper for the family set things right. Through...well unscrupulous means of killing people. But yet again it is a very 'holy' movie that talks about love, family and the pitfalls and triumphs in life through sayings in the bible. Although, I am not a Christian, I enjoyed the story quite a bit. It made me sit up and think. What if the world has a 'Grace' - the housekeeper - for me, is it really right to just kill people that you do not like? They have lives of their own, their parents, kids and friends would mourn for them.

Thus, I reached a conclusion - the movie is not about revenge. It is about something hidden deep inside our hearts - the hatred we have for people to disturb, bully or irritate us. The unforgiven hatred that we should not have because we are suppose to be 'forgiving' towards each other. The movie 'lets out steam' a family have by having this woman called 'Grace' killing people that is stirring unhappiness in a family.

But we can never do that - other than being morally incorrect - we would go to jail for it. So what can we do? I think the only thing is to truly 'let go', don't think too much about something or someone that you do not like. Think positive. Think about people that you like and enjoy being with. Don't think too much about the others that do not like.

I give this movie four stars for its amazing storyline and the laughters I had. No popcorns needed.

Favourite scene - was when Gloria and Rowan Atkinson finally made love after such a long time. I was close to tears. It was nothing erotic. Just blissful. Because both of them really felt love for each other. But their relationship turned bland, like many other couples married for a very long time.

I would think that even when me and my husband age, there is a need to cherish and nourish our relationship. Ofcourse, we can never be as lovey-dovey as now but at least we really need to let each other know that we love each other.


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