Things I re-visited this weekend

It is amazing how opening up my kitchen cupboard brought me so much delightment. I found canned food, spagetti and vola I am able to cooking something yummy for myself. I was truly bored of the food I ate at my neighbourhood. So, on Saturday, I decided to cook for myself...after not doing so for such a long time.

Below is the list of things that I re-visited or did, believe me they really cheered me up amidst my busy studying schedule:

1) Cooked spagetti with cheese tuna sauce, yummy!
2) Contacted a friend of mine that recently got preggy and asked for her well-being
3) Resume grocery shopping on weekends, stopped for ages (no wonder I was so upset when I did not do the shopping!)
4) Did Manicure & Pedicure (on my own) this is really relaxing
5) Changed all my old carpets to either new ones or clean ones
6) Bought a smart white shirt from TopShop

Another thing is that by doing all these things, you might think that I slowed down in studying. But not true. After doing things that made me feel better, I definitely studied more efficiently. Once the momentum is there, I think I should be able to finish studying and revising and pass this time round.

Wish me luck, friends!


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