Road to Recovery (Part 4)

The companionship

The secret is the injured and sick, while they take medicine and all, what they need more than ever is company. And the care and concern from the company. I am glad that I have company most of the time when am at home. My best companion is my dog Teo Toto. I feel that she sort of knows that I am injured. She looks at me with concerned eyes when I sat in the wheelchair and stared curiously when I started on the walker. She licks my non-injured leg in the morning to wake me up, leaving my non-injured leg undisturbed.

My mother and brother are also very obliging in accompanying me and keeping me well-taken care of during most of weekdays. My husband takes over during weekends and stayed at home most of the time just to keep me company.

I just had my X-Ray last Friday and will be going for physiotherapy tomorrow. As what many friends wished me - which is to have a speedy recovery - I hope that I can recover soon. But I am going to be patient and be very careful.

The silver lining for these past few days was that the weather is nice and cool. A weather that's just right to stay at home and rest. I am reading more than usual and also watching quite a lot of movies at home. And I am trying to keep myself updated by reading and watching news.

Life came to a standstill...almost when I fell down but I must find a way to continue living normally, with meaning and positively while I am at home resting. Another three weeks to recovery, I must keep my mood up in the meantime.

Lessons: Living a meaningful life is important to keep spirits up, and good company does help on the recovery.



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