Road to Recovery (part 5)

Practising what I preach

I was reading through all my blog posts about positive thinking and living a meaningful engaging life. And I think this injury really put my beliefs to the test. It is easy to ask people to stay positive and make suggestions when times are good, but when times are bad, it is really tough to practice what you preach.

Negativity begets negativity. I have seen people that started out doing very well but because of negative thoughts hovering in their minds after something negative happen, they can't get out of thinking negative about matters. I have also seen people who have gone through near bankruptcy, sickness, fell down, but survived well and continued to live a meaningful life.

These five weeks of rest has led me to refocus on what is important in life. And I feel that I have had my priorities wrong when I was in my twenties, only to adjust it slightly when I am in my early thirties and adjust it even more now when I am approaching my mid-thirties. I feel that all along I have been too focused on study and work. And, that probably made me less aware of what has been happening to me on a personal level.

Cultivating oneself is important and it is important to first be aware of the surrounding and what has been affecting you as a person before making adjustments to do the right thing. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, are we proud of what we see? Not only superficially but also deep within. Have we gotten better? More confident? Are we better people?

Actually, I enjoy talking to people in different walks of life. From the pantry auntie, to the receptionists, to manicurists/pedicurists, to bankers, economists...I find that it is not necessary that the happiest people are those that are wealthy and powerful. In fact, from what I see, the happiest people are those that are contented with their lives at different stages of their lives.

But the injury really put my beliefs to the test in the sense that during such times, people tend to think negatively. Why did this happen to me? Maybe I should be more careful? These thoughts of regret and unhappiness pop up in my mind now and then. The best way to distract myself from these thoughts is really to engage in other activities, and of particular use to me is talking to other people. But of course, everyone have their own lives to lead so I don't really want to bother others all the time. So I turned to writing my thoughts on paper, in my blog. And reading positive stories online about life.

But there are a couple of things that I want to do after I recover from my injury, which I will share at a later blog. And also since I fell down on New Year's eve, I haven't had the chance yet to write my New Year's resolutions. So I feel like doing that as well.

Lessons learnt? All in the text.



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