My new webcam

Hi everyone,

I bought a new webcam on Friday and have been chatting with people on it. It is really a wonderful invention. I can see my friends anytime anywhere with this webcam. I can even see my husband watching TV in the living room - provided we buy another webcam for the laptop. In is an ingenious invention. But then I realised something, if i am on webcam i cannot actually do very big movements, pick my nose (not that i do that at all ofcourse), or slouch. I think this is the only restriction.

I think communication through the internet is really becoming very efficient. Look at the extend that the 'brick-and-motar' way of doing things have been replaced by the internet.

Reading newspapers - Reading news for free online (Yahoo!, CNN etc.)

Mailing letters - emailing

SMSing - Messaging through MSN and Yahoo! Messenger (you can now do it on the go if your phone is JAVA enabled)

Video conferencing in meeting room - anybody can do that at their homes (actually to take it to the extreme, if you can work at home - your boss still can see you through the webcam)

Taking photos - Digital Cameras (forget it!) Camera phones - I think the latest i head was a SAMSUNG 5.0 megapixels camera phone

Newspaper forum - who does that nowadays, you can just simply go to any forum and type whatever you want

Diaries - obselete long long ago and BLOGS are in, and trust me I can keep bloggin but i can't imagine WRITING out my thoughts in a diary.

Investing - no more walking to the bank, online investing is the way to go, cheaper also

Long distance calls - cheaper and can see more with the webcam through MSN or Yahoo! Messenger

CD Players/Mini disc players - Almost if not COMPLETELY replaced by iPOD - not zen mostly iPOD- and other brands. There are only two brands for me Apple and THE REST. Ofcourse Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, iRiver have great players but I think the thinking is still that. When you think MP3 you think iPOD.

Anything else that has been replaced by the latest tech gizmos?


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