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Hi everyone,

It is yet another lazy Sunday, me and my hubby and my little brother all just relaxed at home. Sigh, I am so lazy to go out although there are quite a number of things to be done. :-D
I was looking at my blog and found that this pic is the most viewed pic at my flikr database. It is the photo I took with a transexual. SHE IS SLIMMER THAN ME..I feel so awful..nah just hubby likes my full figure..but for health reasons I cannot eat too much as well. Actually the real scoop is that my hubby found this girl quite attractive as well...he thinks that they are all quite pretty but he dare not even touch them.

Now now, I am going to start to do some work..before the week starts again..been extremely busy after the Phuket trip... so please try to keep in touch me my dear friends... :D Lucky next week is a long weekend - I need where to go but I will try to make full use of the time to relax in Singapore...and use my vouchers to buy stuff... and also to meet up my dear friends and play mahjong...and read the book my colleague borrowed me...I think quite busy oredi and also PLAY SIMs....I am SIMS CRAZY now...but I think the phase will fade...just that I cant stop thinking about the game...for example when I am with my hubby chatting I will actually imaging ++ on my head (I imagine only the people that play the game will know what I am talking about). Anyways, I took the effort to buy the original one at SGD54 - cos I really like the game...

I think I will be meeting up some friends next week and try to exercise...I feel fat and unhealthy. My body fat is in the terribly unacceptable category...upset :-( but nevermind I am trying to do something about it now)...


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