Am I really a virgo?

I was looking for some interesting stuff on virgoans. Basically, there are good and bad. Once, my colleague said 'Why you so sensitive? Are you a virgo?'. I was more amused than offended...because I am a virgo. The funny thing about virgoans is: you can never ever meet their expectations of you? We are always striving for perfection in others, organization and demand for all the attention that we can have from friends and spouses. And the worst thing that I found about these astrological signs would be: virgoans do not match with a lot of the other astrological signs. So the only astrological signs I am suitable with would be: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn. Haha...but before I found out about all this I already met my hubby who is a GEMINI. In my blog previously, 'There is a little bit of Gemini in all of us', I was sort of complaining about Geminis having double identities, double moods. One of my colleagues was quite amused by this title.

But what is the scoop this time?

I found out from that virgos and geminis is a good match in sexual relationship. Haha! something new! But the scary thing is this actually mentioned that marriage won't be successful opps! But thing true is in a relationship, the virgoan tend to be rather domineering and Geminis (edwin) does love freedom (like pubbing, playing mahjong and what not). So does it mean that our marriage won't be sucessful? Haha. I think that astrological signs are probably only 20% accurate. After you are aware of your weakness and your partner's weakness, shouldnt we seek ways to change ourselves to make the marriage successful?

All in all, I am surprised by the way that they interprete the relationships but I am not convinced that this kind of prediction is the ultimanium. Cheers! In the meantime, I will enjoy and cherish this relationship with Edwin.

VIRGO - GEMINI : They may be a good match in sexual relationship as Virgo is quite indifferent in this field, and Gemini are not usually characterized by extreme passion. But Gemini are more impulsive in sex and most probably they won’t stand grumbling of Virgo. Gemini need freedom and they won’t accept the dominating role of Virgo in a relationship. Virgo considers Gemini to be irresponsible. The liaison is possible, but marriage won’t be successful.


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