
Showing posts from 2012

When one window closes, others open...

Constructing a "new PC" out of old gadgets...

Just a reminder

Being contented and happy-go-lucky

Women leaders

Handling stressful situations - 如何离苦得乐

Random thought about ambition

What a wonderful world...

Remembering the past when dealing with the present...

When the emotions come from the heart and not from the mind...

Is avoidance the best way of handling farewells?

Another valuable lesson on dieting...

Another good quote...

Valuable lesson on dieting

Keep looking, don't settle.

Pluck up the courage to be awesome

Yes, I admit I have weight issues.

The parody of desires

My top five favourite inspirational movies

Work to live or live to work?

What a loooong weekend!

Five Points on how to improve your life: Community

On humble beginnings and the forgotten past...

What other people think of you is none of your business.

12 Points on how to improve your life: Personality

I need to go on a spiritual journey...

108 Gems - Words of Wisdom - Family Bliss


108 Gems - Words of Wisdom - Snippets & Thoughts


My journey to spirituality

Five reasons to turn off/not bring your iPhone out at times

Yes, charisma can feed you well...but that's about it.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

My version of The Social Network

Five things I must do during weekends

Two places I would spend a million dollars on ...

10 things I would say to Toto if she knows human language

Job is a job and have hobbies to balance lifestyle